
Production and Operations Management


Manufacturing companies, with their typical performance systems of products and associated services, form the basis of modern economies. For this reason, business economists should be familiar with the specific challenges of such companies, regardless of their future field of work.
The field of production management focusses on the planning, control and monitoring of production; in the field of operations management, its systematic optimization is added. Accordingly, this course spans from qualitative, causal understanding of production systems to the quantitative, mathematically based control decisions.

Kurse in diesem Modul

Production and Operations Management:

Topic area I: Process Design

  • Characteristics of production processes
  • Model and evaluate production processes
  • Improvement in production processes


Topic area II: Quantitative Methods in Operations Management

  • Deterministic Inventory Optimization (Economic Order Quantity- Modell and Extensions)
  • Introduction to Optimization with Linear and Integer Linear Programming


Topic area III: Special Approaches to Productions Management

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Lean Management
Vorlesung mit 2 Lektionen pro Woche

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