
Organisational Behaviour


Organizations increasingly find themselves in a dynamic context that often leads to profound changes in the interaction of "strategy-structure-culture." In a digitally oriented and knowledge-based economy and society, competencies and their interplay at the individual, team and organizational level are becoming a decisive competitive factor and meaning a crucial resource. From an integrative-systemic point of view, it is important to discover resource-based potentials against the background of humanity, responsibility, performance and efficiency and to develop them in a target-oriented way. The module consists of two parts: Part 1 is devoted to fundamental questions of organizing performance production, and Part 2 is devoted to managing people in the organization to achieve organizational goals.

Guiding questions are: How does one control service production in the company with regard to its environment, what are the current and future possibilities? Examples? How do the various forms of structure, process including project management differ, what is known about the results, how can industry differences be systematized?

Part 1
The students should be able to understand and evaluate different possibilities of service provision in companies. Organizational structures and processes as well as their changes are understood and can be applied to real life examples

Part 2
Students should know and understand changes in the world of work as well as the goals and tasks of people management and their significance. The following topics will be explored: Work, employment and developments in the world of work as well as the perspective of people in the organization and the Employee Lifecycle in its essential elements.

Kurse in diesem Modul

Organisational Behaviour:

Topic area I: Fundamentals

  • The St.Gallen management model with focus on environmental spheres, stakeholders, interaction topics as well as moments of order (strategy, structure, culture, governance)
  • Organizations as systems of meaning and communication
  • Understanding of culture and the culture model according to Edgar Schein
  • Images of people in organizations in the 20th and 21st century


Topic area II: Images of Organization

  • Introduction to organizational thinking and design: Images, perspectives, contradictions
  • The organization as a machine: Taylorism, Fordism, bureaucracy; classical organizational forms and design elements, structure and process organization, processes and process controlling
  • The organization as an organism: matrix and project organizations, the role of the environment, adaptation to or shaping of the milieu, types of organizations / configurations, the discovery of the human factor
  • The organization as brain: Systems theory, Systemic management, Trivial and non-trivial machines, On the way to self-organization, Cybernetics and other control fantasies, The role of technology
  • The organization as culture: Organization as performative system, The new spirit of capitalism, Artists in the organization
  • The organization as a political system: power, governance, regulatory fantasies
  • The organization in change: emergent vs. planned and controlled change, transformation models, ambidextry and its various manifestations


Topic area III: Pit stop - A look back to the future
Collection of lessons learned so far - Transition to people management

  • Organizations as social systems: Integrating the different perspectives
  • Modern organizational models: Besides innovation and efficiency, where does that leave people?


Topic area IV: "People" in the organisation
The human being in the work context and the historical development in organizations:

  • Development of human resources
  • Work, employment and industrial relations in organizations
  • Human resources (structures, areas, roles and tasks)
    The organizational integration of people in the context of the employee lifecycle:
  • Organizational integration of HR and HR processes at a glance
  • Employee lifecycle and the phases of cooperation between organization and people
    The development of the world of work into New Work and its transformation:
  • Aspects, characteristics and features as well as concepts of change in the world of work
  • Challenges with regard to the transformation of New Work
  • Scenarios and outlook of the new world of work for organizations and people
    Bringing together different perspectives with discussion of best practice, practical application possibilities with cases


Topic area V: Integration seminar including exam preparation and q&a

Vorlesung mit 4 Lektionen pro Woche

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