
International Consulting Project 2


Students apply the practice-based theory taught in previous semesters in a real-life business situation. They work in a mixed team of exchange and Swiss students in a consulting project supporting a client (local, business, government, or NGO). Within this project, students conduct either a larger primary research study (e.g., market analyses, employee surveys, image and attractiveness analyses) or develop a management concept (e.g., development of a business case, development of management recommendations). The team properly plans and conducts the research tasks, collects, and analyses the data and draws appropriate conclusions. The findings are documented in a report (60 pages plus appendix) and are presented to the client in a final presentation.

After completing this project, students will be able to understand and apply the associated methods, tools, and techniques at a fundamental level, to carry out sound market research or to develop a rigorous management concept, to systematically document the results, and to develop corresponding management recommendations.

Additionally, students strengthen their intercultural competencies while cooperating in a multicultural team by applying the intercultural foundation taught in previous semesters. Intercultural competence is a key competence today that is increasingly in demand in practice. Working in multicultural teams, thus cooperating with people who are culturally different, is the order of the day in today's agile and interconnected business world, both online and offline.

Students learn to use the potential of a multicultural team to achieve their project goals, to find cross-cultural solutions and what it needs to thrive in a multicultural team in a respectful way.

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International Consulting Project 2:

Topic area I: Market research / management concept

  • Classes in research and consulting methods, market research, and project management
  • Integration of preexisting know-how (previous and current semester) to conduct a systematic market research and/or to develop a management concept, resulting in management recommendations directly applicable by the client company
  • Presentation and communication skills (customer meetings, final report, final presentation)
  • Market study: research design, questionnaire design, statistical data analysis
  • Management concept: scope statment, analysis of current situation, idea collection evaluation, concepualisation, development of recommendations


Topic area II: Intercultural competencies

  • Kick-off training: Build the team (Code of conduct, team profile, get-together)
  • Classes on multicultural teams and collaboration&co-creation
  • Mid-project reflection per team: Reviewing and strengthening team collaboration
  • Final reflection per team with the aim to gain insights of what has been learned and transferring it to a next project
  • Support to overcome intercultural challenges, thus create opportunities
    Topic area III: Statistics
  • Introduction to XLSTAT
  • Data Analysis in XLSTAT
Vorlesung mit 6 Lektionen pro Woche

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