
Financial Services & Investments


This module introduces the students to the main concepts and players of the modern financial service industry. What are their roles and how do they operate? In which way are individuals and companies affected by financial intermediaries? The story of money and the world of finance is closely related to banks and other stakeholders in this sector. The underlying basic principles are also attributable to modern concepts such as FinTechs, OpenBanking or Decentralised Finance (DeFi). We will together investigate the disruptive potential of them.

In addition to the bird’s eye view on the financial industry as a whole, the perspective of the capital providers or investors is both important for individuals as well as corporations. Thus, the module also addresses the aspects of financial markets, asset classes and financial instruments and gives the participants a basic tool kit to navigate across the broad range of financial instruments.

Kurse in diesem Modul

Financial Services & Investments:

Topic area I: The financial services industry

  • History of Finance and Money (excursion)
  • Functions of Banks and other Financial Intermediaries
  • Retail, Corporate & Investment Banking and other Services
  • Central aspects of the Financial Services Industry
  • The Banking and Finance Market in Switzerland and around the Globe
  • Current topics of the Financial Services Industry


Topic area II: Financial Markets, Financial Instruments, Return & Risk

  • Financial Markets
  • Asset Classes
  • Types of Financial Instruments
  • Return and Risk Calculations


Topic area III: Future of Finance

  • FinTechs
  • OpenBanking
  • Blockchain, Decentralised Ledger Technologie (DLT), Decentralised Finance
Vorlesung mit 2 Lektionen pro Woche

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