
English for Academic Purposes


Being able to use academic English confidently is crucial for all students who study abroad and are envisaging an international career. However, it usually takes several semesters before stu-dents feel entirely at ease with academic language. EFAP, therefore, aims to give students the opportunity to engage actively with academic English, showing them how to use an appropriate, formal academic tone and how to continue to develop their own 'academic voice'.

Kurse in diesem Modul

English for Academic Purposes:

Topic area I: Introduction

  • Academic discourse, formal language


Topic area II: Elements of Academic Writing

  • Referring to sources
  • Paraphrasing
  • Summarising
  • Describing and discussing findings
  • Argumentative Essays
  • Self-reflective writing


Topic area III: Writing Clinic

  • Individual coaching sessions


Topic area IV: Revision

Vorlesung mit 2 Lektionen pro Woche

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