
Consumer Behaviour


There are numerous psychological processes that explain customer behavior before, during, and
after consumption. In this course, students will get a comprehensive overview how internal influences
such as perception, emotions, and attitudes as well as social influences shape consumer behavior
in the marketplace. Special emphasis is placed on the transfer of consumer behavior
knowledge to marketing practice. Students not only learn how they can apply findings of consumer
behavior research when making business decisions but also how they can derive insights from recent
consumer behavior studies.

Kurse in diesem Modul

Consumer Behaviour:

Topic area 1: Foundations of Consumer Behavior

  • Definition and overview
  • Marketing’s impact on consumers


Topic area 2: Internal Influences on Consumer Behavior

  • Perception: sensation, the stages of perception, stimulus organization
  • Learning and memory: How do we learn?, cognitive learning theory, memory
  • Motivation and affect: the motivation process, affect, consumer involvement
  • The self: self-concepts, gender identity, the body as a product
  • Personality, lifestyles, and values


Topic area 3: Choosing and Using Products and Services

  • Attitudes and persuasive communications: impact, formation, and change of attitudes
  • Decision making: choice and self-regulation, cognitive and habitual decision making, priming and
  • Buying, using, and disposing: situational effects, the shopping experience, ownership and the
    sharing economy, postpurchase satisfaction and disposal


Topic area 4: Consumers in their Social Setting

  • Group influences and social media: groups, collective decision making, familiy decision making,
    word-of-mouth communication, opinion leadership, social media and influencer


Topic area 5: Applied Consumer Behavior Research

  • Research approaches in consumer behavior to gain customer insights
  • Study and analysis of existing consumer behavior studies
  • Participation in two consumer behavior studies
Vorlesung mit 2 Lektionen pro Woche

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