
Business Informatics


The digitization of business and society is shaping our times. Using information systems opens new
opportunities for business but also presents it with new challenges. Organizations need to understand
the fundamentals of information systems to recognize the opportunities and meet the challenges.
Organizations must develop strategies to manage information as a resource to boost their performance.
Some of the challenges of managing information are:

  • How are information systems transforming businesses today?
  • What are the challenges of managing IT infrastructure and management solutions?
  • What are the potentials of digital value creation?
  • How can we manage knowledge in a digitalized world?


What are the challenges of managing information systems?
The focus will be on managing information rather than managing technology. The course aims to
provide a multi-stakeholder perspective and address challenges faced by not only the end-user but also
the departmental manager, IS manager, and company executives. It pursues a problem-solving
approach where key management questions are highlighted for each topic.

Kurse in diesem Modul

Business Informatics:

Topic area I: Organizations, Management, and the Networked Enterprise

  • Information Systems Foundations
  • IS in global business today
  • Global e-business and collaboration


Topic area II: IT Infrastructure and Security

  • IT Infrastructure and emerging Technologies
  • Securing IS
  • Information Quality


Topic area III: Key System Applications for the Digital Age

  • E-Commerce
  • Knowledge Management (KM)
Vorlesung mit 2 Lektionen pro Woche

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