
Field Oriented Control


The EES FOC course covers the fundamentals of the field oriented descriptions of permanent magnet motors and explains their physical and mathematical backgrounds. The structure of modern servo systems is explained and the special topics of internal PM machines and of synchronous reluctance machines are shown.

The EES FOC course is  given in two different settings. The lecture part covers the theoretical backgrounds as the mathematical models and algorithms. In the lab section practical task are assigned to be worked out on servo systems of three different manufacturers.

Kurse in diesem Modul

Field Oriented Control:

Day 1 Theory

Introduction, Overview and Goals
History and Applications, Frame Theory and Transformations
Day 1 Practical Exercise

Structure of a multi axis servo system, software tools and relations
motor parameters and setup on a servo system
start up and usage of the on board scope, stationary operation points

Day 2 Theory

Motor Models and equations
structure of field oriented control
settings of the cascaded control loops
Day 2 Practical Exercise

Tuning of current and speed control with standard methods
implementation of field weakening range, behaviour of voltage control
effects of stiffness and inertia, practical knowledge
Day 3 Theory

Motor models for salient pole machines
Inductances in different frames
Control of IPM structures and optimal operation modes
Day 3 Practical Exercise

Multi axis functions and settings
Positioning tasks, optimising performance

Ergänzende Veranstaltung mit undefined Lektionen pro Woche

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