
Hands-on Experiences in Spectroscopy, Interferometry, and Light Emission


The course takes place in the optical research laboratories of ZHAW in Winterthur, where the mentioned techniques are continuously investigated and pushed further in cutting-edge research projects. Starting from the adjustment of a simple interferometer, interferometry is investigated in advanced settings, such as fiber optical rotational sensing, the characterization of a laser using a Fabry-Perot interferometer, and terahertz spectroscopy, including the generation and application of terahertz waves. The analysis of emitted light is the principle behind many sensors and is used in a huge number of applications in gas- and biosensing. Two examples analyzed in this course are thermography, which delivers specific information about the temperature and surfaces, and fluorescence spectroscopy, which allows gaining knowledge of the analyzed material or its environment. Another technology that is analyzed is quantum dots (QDs) placed in thin optical films. QDs represent modern fluorescent dyes whose properties can be customised and are becoming increasingly important in the further development of displays and solar panels, for example.

The hands-on laboratory experience will be complemented by data analysis techniques which will contribute to the theoretical understanding.

The course includes student seminars on the theoretical aspects of topics related to the experimental activities. For these seminars, the theory will be analyzed in guided self-studying sessions followed by short oral presentations.

Kurse in diesem Modul

Hands-on Experiences in Spectroscopy, Interferometry, and Light Emission:

Week 1: Coming together (Virtual meeting, 1.5 h)
Weeks 2 and 3: Self Studying / Preparation of the oral Presentation
Week 4: Oral presentation at SoE (Winterthur) (half a day)
Week 5 and 6: Experiments in the Optical Labs at ZHAW, Winterthur
Weeks 7 and 8: Finalizing Data Evaluation und Reports
Week 9: Electronical Submission of the reports

Ergänzende Veranstaltung mit undefined Lektionen pro Woche

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