
Thermo Fluid Dynamic Model Development using OpenFoam


The objective of this module is to develop first, self written thermo-, fluid dynamic models under the open source C++ based, numerical simulation tool box OpenFoam®. The module does contain an introduction to the main features of OpenFoam®, but goes clearly beyond an introductory course such that not only the application of this extensive, community based, software package is taught, but also the basics for its extension and/or adaption to specific problems. In addition to this, useful theoretical background on numerics, meshing, thermo-, fluid dynamic modelling and the C++ programming language will be taught. This semester’s goal is to create your first, self-written OpenFoam® application (e.g.: solver, utility or boundary condition).


At the end of the course the student knows:

  • About the actual character of OpenFoam® in contrast to commercial CFD tools
  • How to apply OpenFoam® from meshing over pre-processing to post-processing (including the use of blockMesh, snappy hex Mesh, paraview, Matlab in combination)
  • The main features of OpenFoam® (e.g.: tutorial cases, solvers, utilities)
  • How to understand and/or find his/her way through the basic software structure (e.g.: Finding, using)
  • How to choose, modify, recompile and apply his/her first, self written OpenFoam® application (e.g.: solver, utility, boundary condition...)
  • Numerical background about the main solution algorithms within OpenFoam (e.g.: PISO, SIMPLE loop).

Kurse in diesem Modul

Thermo Fluid Dynamic Model Development using OpenFoam:
  • Basic structure of OpenFoam® simulation cases
  • Introduction to some OpenFoam® Standard solvers
  • Basic Meshing with blockMesh
  • Input-/Output files
  • Simulation control before/at runtime
  • Visualization & post processing using ParaView and Matlab;
  • Utility: „sample“ to determine quantitative values and field data profiles
  • Implementation of pre- and post- processing utilities
  • Basics of turbulence modelling
  • Applications: a.) icoFoam/cavity b.) Channel Flow c.) Karman – Eddies d) Heat Transfer & Radiation modelling e) Multi- Reference Frame (MRF) modelling (e.g.: Mixing, pump) g) Buoyant flow (Boussinesq-Approx.)
  • Introduction to “non-standard” OpenFoam® tools such as a) SWAK (=Swiss Army Knife) for FOAM to implement function based, flexible boundary conditions; b) Snappy Hex Mesh (Meshing Tool) 
  • “A walk through icoFoam”: Stepwise Analysis of the basic source code of one of the simplest OpenFoam® solvers (= laminar, transient, incompressible)
  • First, simple modification and re-compilation of icoFoam (tutorial case: Driven cavity) to extend it to your own „passiveScalarTransportFoam“ (=Implementation of Transport Equation);
  • Chose, plan, modify/program, recompile, apply and verify your first own “boundary condition”
  • „Update an older solver“: We will try to update the ancient “icoLagrangianFoam” (OF version 1.6) to the latest OF version; The solver is about particle tracking of simple, spherical hard ball particles within a transient, laminar, incompressible flow. A simple feature like that does not exist anymore as a stand alone piece of code in OF… but can be very useful. 
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