
Global design project


This course provides students with the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team comprising of students and instructors from OST, Purdue (USA) and ESPOL (Ecuador) to tackle the topic of food preservation in areas with poor infrastructure.  Students will learn sustainable development, cultural implications of working with communities of a different culture, and extensive project planning, management, and evaluation skills. Partnering with a community and working across a different culture and language, students will work in teams with faculty to plan, design, conduct, and evaluate solutions for food preservation. One of the goals of the course is to empower students to develop creative solutions and innovations to address global challenges and lead development efforts in society that impact the majority of people in the bottom of the pyramid. 
Before the start of the semester, project students and instructors will define project goals and how to adapt new technologies for rural communities. The project should contribute to extended benefits to vulnerable populations, as well as promote education, economic empowerment and gender equality. For fall 2022 a collaboration with Ecuador is in planning. The course it taught fully remotely, from Mid-August until Mid-December on a special schedule. 

Kurse in diesem Modul

Global design project:
  • Project definition
  • Literature review
  • Project and time management
  • Efficient team work
  • Develop a sense for shared responsibility
  • Problem solving
  • Simulation / experimental research / theoretical analysis
  • International and intercultural communication
  • Written report
  • Oral presentation
Projekt mit 0 Lektionen pro Woche

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