
Multibody vehicle dynamic simulation


The students…

  • Know the basic principles of multibody dynamic modelling (K1)
    o Reduced linear models and integration thereof
    o Method of virtual displacements
    o Lagrange formalism and Lagrangian multipliers (constraints)
  • Are able to model a vehicle in Simpack and perform parameter studies in Simpack (e.g. as function of the road irregularities, spring and damper characteristics, gross weight) (K3)
  • Are able to implement a simplified linear dynamical vehicle model in Python and compare the results to a full 3D, non-linear dynamic general vehicle model (Simpack) (K3)

Kurse in diesem Modul

Multibody vehicle dynamic simulation:

1. Fundamentals of Mathematics and Kinematics (Schramm [1], ch. 2)
2. Kinematics of Multibody Systems (Schramm [1], ch. 3)
3. Equations of Motion of Complex Multibody Systems (Schramm [1], ch. 4)
4. Single Track Models (Schramm [1], ch. 10)

Ergänzende Veranstaltung mit undefined Lektionen pro Woche

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