
Development of Conformal Lattice Structure in ClassCAD

  • Understanding the possibilities of periodic lattice structures generation.
  • Configurations of multiple periodic lattice structures.
  • Implementation of algorithms and techniques for conformal lattice structures.

Kurse in diesem Modul

  • Algorithms and data structures for selected practical problems.
    - Reminder on linear structures, binary search tree, heap and algorithmic complexity
    - Randomized algorithms
    - Deterministic algorithms
    - Sweep algorithms
    - Greedy algorithms
  • Design of heuristic algorithms.
    - Reminder on complexity theory, combinatorial optimization problems, problem modelling
    - Greedy heuristics
    - Local search heuristics
    - Decomposition methods
    - Randomized heuristics
    - Learning heuristics
    - Classical metaheuristics
Seminar mit undefined Lektionen pro Woche
Development of Conformal Lattice Structure in ClassCAD:
  • Methods for 3D conformity, the target and the boundaries.
  • Conformal lattice structure implementation and parameterization.
  • Evaluation of periodic homogenous and periodic conformal lattice structure modelling.
Projekt mit undefined Lektionen pro Woche

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