
Introductory optics for photonics


At the end of this intensive course the sudents will know the conceptual differences between the three different
ways of seeing light: as a ray, as a wave or as quanta (photons).
The students will be able to decide which model is best suited for the applications of optics in photonics.

Kurse in diesem Modul

Introductory optics for photonics:

In particular they will be introduced into the following sub-fields of optics:
Part 1 - Geometrical optics

  • Basics of geometrical optics (differentiation from wave optics, wave-particle dualism, refractive index,
    dispersion, Abbe-number, refraction, reflection)
  • Optical imaging with lenses
  • Thin lenses / Thick lenses
  • Apertures
  • Mirrors
  • Aberrations
  • The human eye, magnifying lenses
  • Basics of cameras
  • Microscope, telescope, teleobjective, zoom-camera -> as exercises

Part 2 – Wave optics

  • Concept EM-wave
  • Maxwell equations and wave equation (incl. rot, div, grad)
  • Intensity & pointing Vector
  • Polarisation concept (TE, TM, …)
  •  Reflection and refraction at an interface – Fresnel equations
  • Interference and Fabry Perot Interferometer
  • Diffraction:
    Frauenhofer diffraction slit/circular aperture
    Gratings (ref/transmission)
    Fresnel lens

Part 3 – Light matter interaction: Photons and Atoms

  • Photons and Atoms
  • Interaction of light with bound electrons: mechanisms at the atomic Level
  • Interaction of photons with systems of atoms (dielectric materials)
  • Interaction of light with free electrons
  • Interaction of light with metals
  • The Drude model
Ergänzende Veranstaltung mit undefined Lektionen pro Woche

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