
Visuelle Gebäudeerfassung mittels Flugroboter


Vertiefte Kenntnisse in

  • Computer Vision
  • Image Analysis
  • Autonome Systeme

Kurse in diesem Modul

Visuelle Gebäudeerfassung mittels eines teilautonomen Flugroboters:
  • Entwicklung eines teilautonomen Flugroboters
  • Visuelle Gebäudeerfassung
  • Anwendung optischer Navigation (z.B. optischer Fluss)
  • Datenübertragung und Fernsteuerung eines Flugroboter über 2.4 GHz Funktechnik
  • Softwareentwicklung für Mikrocontroller
  • Softwareentwicklung zur Steuerung von Mikrokontroller (PC-Software)
Projekt mit undefined Lektionen pro Woche
Image Analysis and Computer Vision:

The first part of the course starts off from an overview of existing and emerging applications that need computer vision. It shows that the realm of image processing is no longer restricted to the factory floor, but is entering several fields of our daily life. First it is investigated how the parameters of the electromagnetic waves are related to our perception. Also the interaction of light with matter is considered. The most important hardware components of technical vision systems, such as cameras, optical devices and illumination sources are discussed. The course then turns to the steps that are necessary to arrive at the discrete images that serve as input to algorithms. The next part describes necessary preprocessing steps of image analysis, that enhance image quality and/or detect specific features. Linear and non-linear filters are introduced for that purpose. The course will continue by analyzing procedures allowing to extract additional types of basic information from multiple images, with motion and depth as two important examples. The estimation of image velocities (optical flow) will get due attention and methods for object tracking will be presented. Several techniques are discussed to extract three-dimensional information about objects and scenes. Finally, approaches for the recognition of specific objects as well as object classes will be discussed and analyzed.

Selbststudium mit undefined Lektionen pro Woche
Visuelle Gebäudeerfassung mittels eines teilautonomen Flugroboters:
siehe VP_1171801-1
Projekt mit undefined Lektionen pro Woche

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