The guiding idea is that AI is a powerful problem-solving tool and therefore every student needs to understand the fundamentals of AI to solve problems in their discipline. Hence, half of the module is used to teach the fundamentals of AI and the other half is used by the students to develop AI solutions to a problem from their discipline. The AI fundamentals are made understandable to students who neither have had higher mathematics, nor can program in a novel hands-on didactic approach.
Lernblock I
Einführung in Naturgefahren, Risikobewertung, Klimawandel
Lernblock II
Raumplanung und Zonenplanung, Gesetzgebung
Lernblock III
Bauliche und ökologische Minderungsmassnahmen, Kommunikation
Lernblock IV
Versicherungs- und Finanzstrategien, Bewertung der wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen
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