
Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have a fundamental impact on every area of work and life in the near future. To be in a position to help shape this future, OST students should understand the basic ideas of AI, regardless of their chosen fields of study.

The guiding idea of this module is to make the fundamentals of AI understandable to students who have not had higher mathematics, nor can they program. In other words, this module is not for mathematicians and/or programmers, but for the great rest of the world. This module enables students to understand and apply modern AI methods, but not to develop them.

AI provides generic tools for automatically solving problems based on collected data. These tools can be successfully applied to challenges in almost all areas of life, as demonstrated for example by the interdisciplinary AI projects at OST.

Kurse in diesem Modul

Artificial Intelligence (AI):


  • What is AI & why is AI important?
  • Regression vs. Classification & Supervised vs. Unsupervised


Develop intuition

  • Probability is fundamental
  • Develop intuition with tables


Unsupervised Learning

  • Clustering
  • Principal Component Analysis
  • Association Rules


Supervised Learning

  • Linear Regression
  • k-Nearest Neigbors Classification
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Decision Trees & Random Forests
  • Neural Networks



  • How do you evaluate an AI algorithm?
  • What are AI applications in the respective fields?
Vorlesung mit 2 Lektionen pro Woche
Uebung mit 2 Lektionen pro Woche

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