

Arbeitsaufwand (h):

People become designers along the value chain in a wide variety of roles. In the third module, knowledge from the previous modules is combined to develop solutions for different situations in the corporate context. At the core is the question of how and by what means it is possible to build sustainable relationships, to lead at eye level, to bring about and implement decisions, to achieve results and to develop effectiveness.

The event aims to answer practical problems related to leadership and change. The respective case is in the foreground and the participants work on a question with practical relevance.

Repetitions of individual contents of the basic and in-depth modules and content-related supplements are embedded in the case.

Prof. Dr.rer.pol. Giermindl Lisa Marie
Prof. Dr.rer.pol. Giermindl Lisa Marie, Dr. Ivancic Ronald
Standort (angeboten):
Rapperswil-Jona, St. Gallen (Standard)
Zusätzliche Eingangskompetenzen:

Knowledge from the previous modules (ORGA)

Wahlpflicht-Modul für Betriebsökonomie VZ STD_23(Empfohlenes Semester: 5 | Niveau S: Specialised level course)Kategorie:Wahlpflichtmodule (WP_Mod_WI)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für General Management VZ STD_23 (SR)Kategorie:Vertiefungsmodule (VT_Mod_WI)


Contact hours: 56

Guided self-study: 56

Independent self-study: 68

Note von 1 - 6

Leistungsnachweise und deren Gewichtung

Schriftliche Prüfung, 120 Minuten
Bemerkungen zur Prüfung:

Aids for module final testing: Dictionaries (english)

Während der Unterrichtsphase:
Note von 1 - 6
  • Written Exam (120 minutes) 70%
  • Case study based student group presentations 30%


Angestrebte Lernergebnisse (Abschlusskompetenzen):

Professional competences:

Participants can:

  • explain the importance of the future-oriented design of leadership and the changed, newrequirements that result from this.
  • explain essential leadership activities in the employee lifecycle (including using methods andinstruments necessary for human resources work such as selection, onboarding, development,performance reviews, communication, goal agreements, etc)
  • differentiate and evaluate possibilities in the evaluation of leadership success and its effects.
  • explain how leadership concepts change over time and with organisations
  • reflect on changing requirements, digitalisation and trends in working life and place trends inleadership in the context of current economic development and discuss them.
  • understand the implications of "Working World 4.0" for leadership, people and organisationsand are familiar with new approaches of leadership for future work-environment
  • develop solution approaches and organisational recommendations for work situations,considering motivation of employees, structure and culture of the company.
  • are aware of the influence of ethical, responsible and sustainable leadership as well as thenegative outcome of toxic leadership


Methodological competences:

Participants can:

  • apply leadership models, classical and digital tools systematically to everyday situations, ownexperiences and case studies.
  • use leadership concepts and criteria to formulate and operationalise leadership goals
    and evaluate leadership behaviour
  • evaluate new demands on work situations and the quality of their design
  • create their own concept for the development of future-oriented leadership and peoplemanagement along cases and subject it to an evaluation
  • are able to make proposals for the further development of leadership and derive concrete measures for this.
  • know about the interconnectedness of different social-psychological theories and the resultant importance of organisational culture in connection with concrete leadership situations of individuals and groups



Participants can:

  • systematically reflect on one's own behaviour as a (project) leader and their own leadership skills
  • recognise their own strengths and weaknesses as well as possible consequences with regard to the role as leader and follower and draft ideas for own development.
  • are aware of their own values concerning ethical, economic and social questions and of their responsibility as a leader in an organisation
  • know how to use their own leadership and motivation skills in a leading position of an organization
  • reflect on the effect of digitalisation and trends in working life and also take a differentiated look at their own situation.
  • describe the complexity of measuring the success of of leadership


Social competences:

Participants can:

  • discuss and defend their own thoughts on the development of future-oriented leadership, people management or work.
  • illuminate different perspectives in leadership situations
  • relate the mechanisms from social psychological research on work groups to concrete situations.
  • describe the development mechanisms of individual dysfunctional processes (pressure, opportinism and other dysfunctional forms of exercising power and influence, mobbing, etc.).
  • are able to communicate authentically and act in different business situations as a leader who assumes responsibility and duties to different stake- holders
  • are able to lead conflicts with the necessary assertiveness and empathy to the very best solution for the involved persons
Modul- und Lerninhalt:

Topic area I: Introduction to Leadership and Evolution of Leadership Relations

  • Course Introduction: Formal introduction and modalities of course (case studies, examination, etc)
  • Important Leadership tasks and activities along the employee lifecycle
  • Evaluating and assessing leadership success and effective leadership
  • Viability of Leadership: Yesterday and Tomorrow
  • Evolution of Leadership – a leadership journey
  • Trait Theories, Behavioural Theories, Situational Theories
  • Relational leadership approaches: Leader-Member-Exchange
  • Leadership & Followership - Follower behaviour and motivation


Topic area II: Designing leadership relationships and processes in modern settings and in teams

  • Servant Leadership, Stewardship
  • Team Leadership & Group Development

Topic area III: Strategy & Culture

  • Creating vision, mission, and values in organizational culture
  • Entrepreneurial leadership:
  • Creating a culture of innovation and creativity


Topic area IV: Designing leadership relationships and processes in modern settings and in teams

  • Transformational Leadership vs Transactional Leadership
  • Charismatic and Visionary Leadership


Topic aree V: Future Skills and Work Environments

  • Changing requirements, digitalisation and trends in working life and future work-environments
  • Implications of "Working World 4.0" for leadership, people and organisations
  • Future-oriented design of leadership and the changed, new requirements that result from this.
  • Future Skills of leaders and followers
  • Important leadership skills – today and tomorrow (communication, coaching, conflict skills,power, politics, networking and negotiation skills)


Topic area VI: Leading interculturally and virtual teams

  • Diversity & Leadership:
  • Culture & Leadership: Leading interculturally diverse teams
  • Distance & Leadership: Leading virtual teams
  • Inclusive & Authentic Leadership


Topic area VII: Leadership of the future - focus: self-leadership and team / shared leadership,

  • Conceptual Foundations of Self-Leadership
  • Self-Goal-Setting & Self-Management
  • Group & Team processes
  • Shared Leadership & Supra Leadership – leading at eye level,
  • Designing Work Situations and Environments
  • leading organizational change and shaping culture
  • Optional Excursus: Mindful Leadership and / or Positive Psychology (PERMA)


Topic area VIII: Organizational Culture, Sustainability, Ethics & Leadership

  • Managing Social Responsibility Ethically (Stakeholders, Sustainability, Ethics)
  • CSR, CDR, CER/CGD & Leadership
  • Shaping and changing corporate culture
  • Managing organizational structure and processes
  • Designing and developing work situations
  • Optional Excursus: Gender & Leadership / Women in Top Management


Topic area IX: Dark Side of Leadership

  • Managing Power, Politics and Decision-Making in Organizations
  • Sources of Power
  • Bad Leadership & Ineffective Leadership
  • Destructive, toxic and abusive Leadership (in practice)


Topic area X: Summary & Outlook

  • Conclusion and Outlook Leadership
  • Summary & Repetition
  • Student Presentations
  • Overarching case studies on leadership and work situations
Lehr- und Lernmethoden:

Discussion, lecture, case studies presentation, discussion, individual and group work



  • Case studies (as uploaded in moodle)
  • Northouse, P. G. (2021, 9th edition). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.
  • Northouse, P. G. (2014, 5th edition). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice. Sage.



  • Antonakis, J. E., Cianciolo, A. T., & Sternberg, R. J. (2004). The nature of leadership. SagePublications, Inc.
  • Bratton, J. (Ed.). (2020). Organizational leadership. Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Clegg, S., Hardy, C., & Nord, W. R. (1999). Managing organizations. Sage Publications.
  • Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2023, 7th edition). Leadership: Theory, application, & skilldevelopment. Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Northouse & Lee (2019) Leadership Case Studies in Education. Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Waldman, D. A., & O'Reilly, C. (2018). Leadership for organizations. SAGE Publications.