Digital marketing communication gained importance during the last couple of years and is key for successful business communication. This module provides background, context and understanding of key concepts of digital marketing communication. Students learn about the variety and opportunities of digital marketing communication tools and channels such as Email, Websites, SEO, Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing. In addition, the course discusses digital marketing communication strategy and planning as well as digital marketing communication management and its critical success factors. Numerous case studies and practical exercises increase engagement and application of theoretical concepts and ensure the transfer of the presented content and real-world-applications.
Basic knowledge of marketing and marketing communication
Kontaktstudium: 42
Begleitetes Selbststudium: 18
Unbegleitetes Selbststudium: 120
Assessment: Case study (individual work incl. video presentation and slides) (counts 100% for the grade, please note: late submissions are not accepted and result in grade 1)
Professional competences:
Participants can:
Methodological competences:
Participants can:
Participants can:
Social competences:
Participants can:
Topic area I: Essentials of digital marketing communication
Topic area II: Tools and channels of digital marketing communication
Topic area III: Digital marketing communication strategy and planning
Topic area IV: Digital marketing communication management
Topic area V: Executive presentation and conclusion