
Introductory optics for photonics


At the end of this intensive course the sudents will know the conceptual differences between the three different
ways of seeing light: as a ray, as a wave or as quanta (photons).
The students will be able to decide which model is best suited for the applications of optics in photonics.

Keller Daniel
Standort (angeboten):
Zusätzliche Eingangskompetenzen:

Bachelor-Studium Systemtechnik

Wahlpflicht-Modul für MSE Master of Science in Engineering BB STD_08 (BU)(Keine Semesterempfehlung)Kategorie:Fachliche Vertiefung (MSE-FachV)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für MSE Master of Science in Engineering BB STD_13 (BU)(Keine Semesterempfehlung)Kategorie:Fachliche Vertiefung (MSE-FachV)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für MSE Master of Science in Engineering BB STD_16 (BU)(Keine Semesterempfehlung)Kategorie:Fachliche Vertiefung (MSE-FachV)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für MSE Master of Science in Engineering VZ STD_08 (BU)(Keine Semesterempfehlung)Kategorie:Fachliche Vertiefung (MSE-FachV)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für MSE Master of Science in Engineering VZ STD_13 (BU)(Keine Semesterempfehlung)Kategorie:Fachliche Vertiefung (MSE-FachV)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für MSE Master of Science in Engineering VZ STD_16 (BU)(Keine Semesterempfehlung)Kategorie:Fachliche Vertiefung (MSE-FachV)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für Technik und IT MSE_20(Keine Semesterempfehlung)Kategorie:Fachliche Vertiefung (MSE-FachV)
Note von 1 - 6

Leistungsnachweise und deren Gewichtung

Während der Unterrichtsphase:

1) Exam during semester
2) Short report on a topic of choice from optics and photonics. A list of topics will be distributed at the beginning of the course. Own topics are also possible. Due at the end of the 3rd semester week.

Note von 1 - 6

1) Exam during semester
2) Short report on a topic of choice from optics and photonics. A list of topics will be distributed at the beginning of the course. Own topics are also possible. Due at the end of the 3rd semester week.



Angestrebte Lernergebnisse (Abschlusskompetenzen):

At the end of this intensive course the sudents will know the conceptual differences between the three different
ways of seeing light: as a ray, as a wave or as quanta (photons).
The students will be able to decide which model is best suited for the applications of optics in photonics.

Modul- und Lerninhalt:

In particular they will be introduced into the following sub-fields of optics:
Part 1 - Geometrical optics

  • Basics of geometrical optics (differentiation from wave optics, wave-particle dualism, refractive index,
    dispersion, Abbe-number, refraction, reflection)
  • Optical imaging with lenses
  • Thin lenses / Thick lenses
  • Apertures
  • Mirrors
  • Aberrations
  • The human eye, magnifying lenses
  • Basics of cameras
  • Microscope, telescope, teleobjective, zoom-camera -> as exercises

Part 2 – Wave optics

  • Concept EM-wave
  • Maxwell equations and wave equation (incl. rot, div, grad)
  • Intensity & pointing Vector
  • Polarisation concept (TE, TM, …)
  •  Reflection and refraction at an interface – Fresnel equations
  • Interference and Fabry Perot Interferometer
  • Diffraction:
    Frauenhofer diffraction slit/circular aperture
    Gratings (ref/transmission)
    Fresnel lens

Part 3 – Light matter interaction: Photons and Atoms

  • Photons and Atoms
  • Interaction of light with bound electrons: mechanisms at the atomic Level
  • Interaction of photons with systems of atoms (dielectric materials)
  • Interaction of light with free electrons
  • Interaction of light with metals
  • The Drude model