
SE Practices 1


All participants are able to explain and apply selected software engineering practices effectively, using modern state-of-the-art methods and tools.


Selected practices from the following disciplines will be covered:

  • Business modelling
  • Requirements
  • Analysis and design
  • Verification
  • Deployment
  • Configuration and change management


The taxonomy and format of the Unified Process (UP) and the Unified Modelling Language (UML) will be used whenever appropriate.

Prof. Dr. Mehta Farhad D.
Standort (angeboten):
Rapperswil-Jona, St.Gallen (Informatik Raster)
Zusätzliche Eingangskompetenzen:

Englische Sprachkenntnisse

(Dieses Modul wird auf Englisch durchgeführt.)

Wahlpflicht-Modul für Digital Design STD_24(Empfohlenes Semester: 5)Kategorie:Webengineering (DD-WE)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für Informatik Retro STD_14_UG(Empfohlenes Semester: 5)Kategorien:Grundlagen Informatik (I-g), Grundlagen Informatik und Aufbau Informatik (I-gai)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für Informatik STD_14(Empfohlenes Semester: 5)Kategorien:Engineering Practice (I_EP), Informatik (I_Inf)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für Informatik STD_21(Empfohlenes Semester: 5)Kategorien:Engineering Practice (I_EP), Informatik (I_Inf)
Wahlpflicht-Modul für Informatik STD_23(Empfohlenes Semester: 5)Kategorien:Engineering Practice (I_EP), Informatik (I_Inf)

Please take this into account while planning to register for this module:

  • This module requires the 4 ECTS time investment required to be made during the semester teaching period. Please ensure that you have the required time to invest in the module before registering.
  • A video recording of the lectures is not planned. Your presence is expected in the lecture and exercise sessions.
  • A small number of lectures (3-4) may take place via video lectures. 
  • In case you plan to do an international exchange semester in the 5th semester (Musterstundenplan Teilzeit), it would also be possible to take this course earlier, in the 3rd semester (Musterstundenplan Teilzeit). 
bestanden / nicht bestanden

Leistungsnachweise und deren Gewichtung

Während der Unterrichtsphase:

The successful completion and submission of individual exercises or projects.

bestanden / nicht bestanden


Angestrebte Lernergebnisse (Abschlusskompetenzen):

Refer to the learning goals for the module.

Modul- und Lerninhalt:

The following software engineering practices will be covered:

  • Version control (Git)
  • Continuous integration
  • Domain analysis and modelling
  • Requirements elicitation and specification: functional (use cases) & non-functional
  • Modelling system behaviour: state machine diagrams and activity diagrams
  • Error handling design
  • Design by contract
  • Code metrics
  • Software testing:  test design; unit, integration & system tests
  • Static software analysis and verification


This course will be taught in English.