Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration and Business Information Technology (both at the School of Management) and the Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Management (at the School of Technology) can apply and develop their personal, social, professional, and methodological skills in an international and intercultural context. This is in addition to the skills they have acquired and refined in previous student consultancy projects or industrial projects.
The students work in a mixed team of American and Swiss students on a consulting project for a client based in Switzerland, the DACH region, or North America. Within this project, students conduct either a larger primary research study (e.g., market analyses, employee surveys, image and attractiveness analyses) or develop a management concept (e.g., development of a business case, development of management recommendations). The team properly plans and conducts the research tasks, collects, and analyses the data and draws appropriate conclusions. The process and results are documented in a report that meets academic standards (60 pages plus appendix) and presented to the client in a final presentation that is rhetorically convincing and tailored to the target audience.
Additionally, students strengthen their intercultural competencies while cooperating in a multicultural team by applying the intercultural foundation taught in previous semesters.
An application for the JUSP module is required. The WTT decides on admission to the program.
Students in the School of Management can apply for JUSP and take it instead of PRP2 or ICP2 (for International Management). Students in the School of Technology may consider JUSP as an alternative to other elective modules or courses.
School of Management: WSA1, WSA2, PRP1 or ICP1
School of Technology: Completion of the full Industrial Project Program
Contact hours: 26
Guided self-study: 244
Same grade for all OST team members (exception: exclusion from group grade / from project according to PPRx manual)
Assessment is conducted by the project coach, intercultural mentor, client, and, if applicable, the statistics coach (in the case of quantitative market research); evaluation criteria and weighting are based on the grading sheet (published on Moodle).
Professional competences:
Participants can:
Methodological competences:
Participants can:
Participants can:
Social competences:
Participants can:
Topic area I: Project work
Topic area II: Intercultural competencies
Group work, guided self-study, individual and group reflection, group coaching, experiential learning.
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