People become designers along the value chain in a wide variety of roles. In the third module, knowledge from the previous modules is combined to develop solutions for different situations in the corporate context. At the core is the question of how and by what means it is possible to build sustainable relationships, to lead at eye level, to bring about and implement decisions, to achieve results and to develop effectiveness.
The event aims to answer practical problems related to leadership and change. The respective case is in the foreground and the participants work on a question with practical relevance.
Repetitions of individual contents of the basic and in-depth modules and content-related supplements are embedded in the case.
Knowledge from the previous modules (ORGA)
Contact hours: 56
Guided self-study: 56
Independent self-study: 68
Aids for module final testing: Dictionaries (english)
Professional competences:
Participants can:
Methodological competences:
Participants can:
Participants can:
Social competences:
Participants can:
Topic area I: Introduction to Leadership and Evolution of Leadership Relations
Topic area II: Designing leadership relationships and processes in modern settings and in teams
Topic area III: Strategy & Culture
Topic area IV: Designing leadership relationships and processes in modern settings and in teams
Topic aree V: Future Skills and Work Environments
Topic area VI: Leading interculturally and virtual teams
Topic area VII: Leadership of the future - focus: self-leadership and team / shared leadership,
Topic area VIII: Organizational Culture, Sustainability, Ethics & Leadership
Topic area IX: Dark Side of Leadership
Topic area X: Summary & Outlook
Discussion, lecture, case studies presentation, discussion, individual and group work
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