Today’s business managers find themselves in an increasingly globalized and agile environment.
People of different origins have to work together be it in an international setting, be it within a company
with a multicultural workforce. It is therefore crucial for them to develop and foster a sensitivity to
intercultural differences and similarities to thrive across cultures – in brief, to develop their own
intercultural competence.
In this module, the students apply the content of the module ICPD, reflect on the intercultural
experiences which they gather in their semester abroad and relate them to intercultural theory (various
intercultural models such as acculturation, cultural dimensions, and communication styles).
The goal of the module is to foster the students’ sensitivity to intercultural interactions and to develop
their intercultural competence.
INDE consists of:
The exchange report contains further relevant information about the host country and the host
institution, so that future exchange students have access to this information
By taking a process-oriented learning approach consisting of the preparation training, the mid-exchange
assignment and the final reflection report, students will be continuously supported to develop their
intercultural competence.
Intercultural Competence and Personal Development ICPD
Kontaktstudium: 6
Begleitetes Selbststudium: 60
Unbegleitetes Selbststudium: 24
Mid-exchange assignment: 25%
Reflection Report: 25%
Exchange Report: 40%
PR Report or Video: 10%
For further reference, please check the evaluation form on moodle
Professional competences:
Participants can:
Methodological competences:
Participants can:
Social competences:
Participants can:
Topic area I: Before the exchange semester
Topic area II: During the exchange semester
Topic area III: After the exchange semester
Individual work, coaching, guided self-study, independent study, self-reflection, Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), Intercultural Development Plan (IDP)
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