In today's global environment, there is a continuous increase in social and intercultural interactions.
Cooperating with people who are different than oneself is daily business,
Fostering empathy, social intelligence and intercultural competence are core competences to
handle the challenges of a complex and diverse world. To manage intercultural work situations
productively is key in this context and an important task of business administrators.
In this module students learn to integrate their feelings into their decision processes as well as the
way of conscious thinking. How to deal with negative and how to foster positive emotions? Which
thoughts help to gain success and which are counterproductive? In addition the students monitor
and train their strengths.
Additionally, business success requires intercultural comptence, i.e. the ability to position one's own
culture within the context of other cultures, and to utilise this together with the resulting
synergies.This module provides the foundations for recognising, respecting, and integrating cultural
differences and communalities. Students are provided with tools to be able to thrive across cultures.
Furthermore, potential barriers and how to deal with them are addressed.
Based on an outdoor environment, every student will reflect his or her role in dynamic teamdevelopment
exercises. With experimental and action guided learning everybody should be capable
to supervise strengths and weaknesses as well as the intercultural implications arising if working
together in multicultural teams.
Contact hours: 56
Guided self-study: 64
Independent self-study: 60
Written module-completion exam at the end of the semester, closed book: Dictionary allowed; the
two checklists "Cultural dimensions" and "Communication styles" are appended to the exam paper
to assist you; no other aids are allowed. The examination covers all topics and documents in
intercultural communication.
Professional competences:
Methodological competences:
Social competences:
Topic area: Course Introduction and Mindfulness
Topic area: Positive Psychology & the Way of thinking
Topic area: Personal strengths training
Topic area: The own culture
Topic area: The foreign culture
Topic area: The Intercultural
Topic area: ICPD Summary
Topic area: Experimental Learning Day (off campus)
Classroom discussions, case studies, experience-based learning, guest lectures, interactive
methods such as simulations and role-playing, films, working alone as well as in pairs and in
groups, guided self study, independent study and self-reflection.
Mandatory – everything on Moodle learning platform such as:
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