Students receive an overall overview on financial reporting. The topics of Financial Reporting
(FIRE) are the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Swiss GAAP FER (Swiss
national reporting standards). Further, business combinations, consolidation and
mergers&acquisitions are main topics in this course. The students will obtain a profound knowledge
about capital market requirements, accounting policy and financial management. Not only do they
understand the financial reporting technique, but also they can assess the financial reporting quality
and the requirements of the financial community. They obtain the capabilities to take over future
financial positions in national and international companies. Further, they learn to communicate
financial results to the financial community.
Basic knowledge of accounting and controlling
Kontaktstudium: 56
Begleitetes Selbststudium: 62
Unbegleitetes Selbststudium: 62
Written examination of all theory (closed book, 10 cheat sheets allowed, A4, written both sides, 60%)
Professional competences
Participants can:
Methodological competences
Participants can:
Teaching, case studies, exercises, blended learning
Mandatory for german speaking students:
Durchführung gemäss Stundenplan