In order for students to achieve their employability goals, they need to improve their knowledge of the English langauge as it is used in the workplace and also develop key skills for the international workplace. At the same time, higher education is becoming more and more international and English also plays a key role in the academic world. The OST English Language Programme therefore takes a skills-focused approach which is designed to help students become successful communicators in professional, workplace, situations as well as in academic settings. Its systematic development of key language skills will also help prepare them for internationally recognised external exams.
EPC2 offers students a development of their professional communication skills in English at ALTE level B2+. It builds upon the language of EPC1 and further covers a variety of language and skills training which students can immediately use in the workplace and for their studies, whilst also developing essential communication skills and focuses on the kind of linguistic accuracy which is needed to perform well in professional settings.
FCE (Cambridge First Certificate) B2
Contact hours: 21
Guided self-study: 20
Independent self-study: 49
Written exam: 100 points.
Speaking exam: 20 points
Permitted examination aids: no aids allowed
Professional competences
Participants can:
Methodological competences
Participants can:
Participants can:
Social competences
Participants can:
Topic area I:
Topic area II:
Topic area III:
Teacher-conducted class work, indiviual work, partner work, class discussions, workshops, group work, role-play.
Durchführung gemäss Stundenplan