One of the main tasks of business IT specialists in practice is to design and optimize the interface between the business and IT spheres. optimization of the interface between the business and IT spheres: today, IT must make its value contribution to the contribution to the company's success measurable and comprehensible. It also has to comply with an increasing number of regulatory requirements, ensure information security and data protection and play a part in establishing compliance in other areas of the company. In order to fulfill these tasks, IT Governance, IT Compliance and information security management, IT (service) management and business continuity management. management, various process-oriented frameworks have been developed in recent years. These support the permanent alignment of IT with tactical and strategic corporate goals while objectives while at the same time minimizing all IT risks (including legal risks). The modern training of business IT specialists therefore includes the teaching of knowledge of the relevant methods, concepts and standards. Business IT specialists thus also acquire important technical and methodological knowledge for the management of IT and organizational areas.
Contact hours: 56
Guided self-study: 42
Independent self-study: 82
Aids: Open book: any printed documents including slides and graphics are permitted, no textbooks
Professional competencies:
The participants can:
Methodological skills:
The participants can:
Participants can:
Social skills:
Participants can:
Topic/learning block I: Introduction and overview
Topic/learning block II: Information security management
Subject/learning block III: Business Continuity Management (BCM)
Topic/learning block IV: IT compliance management
Topic/learning block V: COBIT
Topic/learning block VI: ITIL and IT Service Management (ITSM)
Topic/learning block VII: Agile IT delivery
Dialogue-oriented teaching with integrated case studies and exercises, guest lectures from the business world,
Compulsory literature:
Further literature:
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